It is already the last Wednesday in August! The summer has just flown by and it is already time for kids to go “back” to school. I know a lot of students are virtual for the start of the year, so it doesn’t even feel real.
Anyway, it’s time for another WWW Wednesday! This meme was originally hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and has been revived by Sam A. Stevens at Taking On a World of Words. To participate, just answer the following questions:
- What are you currently reading?
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What do you think you’ll read next?
Currently Reading:
As I mentioned in previous posts, I am reading the House in the Cerulean Sea for the BAB book club. While I am behind on my reading for the group chats, I am very much enjoying this book and am on pace to finish by the end of the month. I didn’t know what to expect going into this book. It has a bit of Lemony Snicket/Miss Peregrine’s vibes, but it’s so much more than that as well. Many of my fellow readers have called this their favorite read of the year. I hope the second half proves as enthralling for me.
I am much farther along in Ever the Hunted than I was at my last update (a little past halfway). I have to say I am pleasantly surprised. While the premise itself isn’t exactly ground-breaking for a YA Fantasy trilogy, there is plenty of magic, intrigue, mystery, and tension to keep it interesting. So far, I highly recommend this.
I am listening to Ninth House on Audible. I picked it up on sale even though I own a physical copy and it won my Twitter poll for next read. I am over halfway and, while I am enjoying the story, it seems to suffer a bit from YA-author-writing-Adult-fiction-itis. It’s a bit contrived and overly descriptive. I find myself zoning out constantly and finding that I haven’t missed much. I hate saying that about Queen Bardugo, but I’ll take Six of Crows over this ANY day. Also, for some reason, I get Raven Boys vibes from it. The constant switching of timelines is a bit like the Witcher, but less extreme. I’m hoping the end provides something mind-blowing that all this is working up to, but I honestly doubt it.
Recently Finished:

I’ve only managed to finish one book since my last update, which is by no fault of The Orange Grove. This delightfully dramatic historical fiction was just the book I needed to cleanse my palette of the romance and fantasy I’ve been stuck in lately. I’m hoping to have my review posted later today, so keep an eye out for it.
Reading Next:
I have 4 review reads that I need to finish by the end of the month, so those will be my next focus. I know I only have 7 days left, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that, being off work, I’ll be able to finish them in a timely manner. I am participating in an Instagram challenge to read 1000 pages in a week. Obviously, if I finish these 4 books I will be way ahead of 1000 pages, but, hopefully, it keeps me on track. These are the 4 books I need to finish:

I have far fewer reviews planned for September. If you don’t know, September is Self-Published Fantasy Month and I’m working on something great to share with all of you. I’ll be revealing the details next week!
Have you read any of the above books? What are you currently reading? Let me know in the comments!
I have four books left to read this month too – this seems to always happen!
I hope you finish them all!
They really creep up on you. Good luck to you too!