Did you know September is Self-Published Fantasy Month? This event was started by Jason over at Off The TBR to bring more attention to this underrated and often underrepresented area of fiction. If you’re interested in knowing more about the creation of Self-Pub Fan Month, you can check out the original post here. You can also read more about this year’s event here. This year’s event is bigger and better than ever with podcasts, giveaways, read-alongs, and more! Also, be sure to check them out on Twitter and Instagram and follow #SelfPubFantasyMonth.
I am very excited to be participating in Self-Published Fantasy Month by providing a series of spotlight author interviews. If you’re new to My Heart Is Booked Blog, I love lifting up self-published and indie works. These authors work just as hard (often harder) as those signed by the big publishing houses and don’t receive nearly the credit they deserve. For full interview schedule, please see below. I’ll be linking each interview back to this post, so you can bookmark this one and keep returning for each interview. First interview publishes tomorrow. I can’t wait!
Tony Johnson Interview – Sept 3
E.G. Radcliff Interview – Sept 6
Raina Nightingale Interview – Sept 10
Caitlyn E. Lloyd Interview – Sept 17

Do you have any self-published fantasy recommendations? Please drop your recs in the comments for others to peruse!
I’m so excited!
Yay! Me too!