Thank you to NetGalley and ABRAMS Kids for providing a free copy for review.
First, let me say that this cover grabbed me immediately. The book description sold the deal, but I could not pass up the stunning artwork and I’m glad I didn’t. Winter, White and Wicked is a daring ride that will get your heart pumping and give you chills at the same time.
Dittemore has created a complex fantasy world imbued with diverse peoples, treacherous magic, and enchanting legends. Unfortunately, the initial “data dump” in the prologue failed to convey the elaborate histories in a clear and concise manner. It would have been far more successful to pick up bits and pieces throughout the story as the truth was uncovered. Needless to say, I could have done without the entire prologue and this might have been a five star read for me.
At the start of Chapter One, the catalyst has already occurred and we are thrown (a bit jarringly) right into the journey. Aside from this abrupt beginning, the pacing of this book is great. There are just enough heart-warming, soul-searching, calm-in-the-storm moments between the action scenes for readers to catch their breath. Just as I’d begin to relax, another adventure would begin. By the end of the journey, I felt like I’d run the whole route rather than merely tagging along in the Sylver Dragon with Sylvi and the gang.
The MC Sylvi is exactly the kind of YA protagonist I love: a take-no-shit, independent young woman, who pushes through hard times and comes out stronger on the other side. Her connection to Winter is beautiful in it’s simplicity. It is fascinating to see the development of this relationship through memories and the transformation brought on by outside sources.
I was immediately drawn to Mars Dresden and the gang. Though each was vastly different from the others, I could feel the kinship of their team from the very beginning. Mars drove me nuts in the best way. His stubborn refusal to play nice with Winter was both frustrating and comical. Hyla is the best femme warrior ever and I want her on my team. Her straight-forward attitude made her instantly likeable and her foreigner’s naivete provided many welcome opportunities for clarification. At first, I found Kyn to be too happy-go-lucky. I’m glad that we got a deeper look into his emotions. By the end, I was just as connected to Kyn as I was to Sylvi.
There are so many ups and downs on this journey. It’s grungy, beautiful, tragic, and funny. There’s violence, but there is also love. This story touches on many different themes including overcoming prejudices and blind belief and discovering self worth and responsibility. Winter, White and Wicked is sure to appeal to many YA fantasy readers and highly recommend it to those seeking an exciting new series. I eagerly await the next installment.
This book is expected to release October 13, 2020