This book gave me serious wanderlust! I was super excited to read it and compare it to my own abroad and college experiences. From the very beginning, Riccio pulls us in, letting us know that this is for everyone who’s ever felt out of place (isn’t that everyone on the planet?). This set the tone of the whole book for me and I found the MC and even secondary characters relatable.
Socially awkward? Yep.
Hardly left the dorm room? Yep.
First kiss at an “old” age? Yep.
I’m glad that this book was written in first person. The little insights into Shane’s mind and her inner monologues were engaging and entertaining. Living through every cringe-worthy, glitter-inducing moment with her brought this story to life. I spent half the book screaming in frustration and the other half congratulating Shane and giving her pep talks. The truth was I was routing for her even through her numerous idiotic mistakes (we all make them, right?). The emotional rollercoaster took turns I didn’t expect and that TWIST! How did I not see that coming?
Shane’s challenges with her family were a particularly tough hurdle to overcome and I think that a lot of people can relate to the pressures of conforming to parental expectations. For the record, I HATED her parents. The love interest was also particularly frustrating. I’m grateful for the growth of Shane’s character and the way that Riccio was able to provide multiple opportunities to right wrongs.
Riccio does an excellent job of creating an atmosphere that is not only magical and adventures, but sprinkled with familiar songs and books. I really felt like an American college student in Europe. If this book had a soundtrack, I would listen to it everyday.
This book is nostalgic and hopeful. It seeks to remind us that we can’t give up because things go wrong. Life is hard, but worth it. Second chances rarely come around, but, when they do, you can’t squander them.
I recommend this book to fans of Chick Lit and NA Contemporary Romance or anyone at a low point in their life that needs something uplifting and positive.