This year has been the longest yet. I don’t know if it’s due to the fact that I’m pregnant, I’ve been basically out of work for 3 months, or that the world shut down due to Covid-19. Let’s face it, it’s probably a combination of all of the above. Anyway, we are finally almost halfway through 2020! I expected to read far less than last year and set my Goodreads goal to 75, but I’m already at almost 50 books read for the year, so I may be able to increase it before baby Asher gets here. For today, I’m taking part in the Mid-Year Freak Out Tag. This tag has been around for so long, but it is my first time participating. I have no idea who created it, but feel free to let me know in the comments so I can give credit.
What is the best book that you’ve read so far in 2020?
Starting off with the toughest question of them all! I’ve had a pretty good reading year so far with mostly 4 and 5 star reads. There were a couple front runners, but I have to go with Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson. Sanderson has such a unique way of creating depth and dimension to his world and his characters. It seems like there is always more to explore; another layer to uncover. I should have read one of his completed series instead (or Skyward, which has been sitting on my shelf for a year). Now, I’m dying for the next installment of this series, which doesn’t yet have a release date.
What has been your favorite sequel of the first half of the year?
Another tough one, but I had to go with Dark Skies by Danielle L Jensen. To be honest, it was a close call between this one and The Traitor Queen, which is also by Jensen. In the last year, Jensen has quickly become one of my favorite authors. I love her compelling writing style, her use of some of my favorite tropes, and the development of her characters. In case you haven’t noticed I am far more character-driven than plot-driven. I chose Dark Skies over The Traitor Queen because, even though there are more books expected in the Bridge Kingdom world, The Traitor Queen wrapped up rather nicely, unlike Dark Skies which has me itching for the next book, Gilded Serpent.
Is there any new release that you haven’t read yet, but you’re really excited for?
I picked up Forged in Fire and Stars by Andrea Robertson when it released in May and haven’t had a chance to read it yet. Pitched as Game of Thrones meets An Ember in the Ashes, I am dying to see what the bestselling author of the Nightshade series has in store for us. I’ve been reluctant to pick it up because I’ve been seeking out more #ownvoices narratives. It also averages only 3.39 on Goodreads. I’ll be sure to add my review to the bunch once I do get a chance to read it. Have any of you read it yet?
What is your most anticipated release for the second half of the year?
This question is a no-brainer. While there are several sequels I am looking forward to this year, I am dying for V.E. Schwab’s newest novel, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Schwab has been among my favorites for a couple years now and, though this novel seems a departure from her previous work, I can’t let one of her books pass me by.
What is your biggest disappointment so far?
Another easy question. This would have to be The Betrothed by Kiera Cass. I had high expectations for this book after loving the Selection series, but it fell flat for me. While I had a couple lower rated books this year, this one left me the most disappointed. A combination of poor pacing and under developed characters left me wanting. You can find my review here.
What is your biggest surprise so far?
My biggest surprise was From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I’ve read many Armentrout books before and, while I am a fan, I’ve never found her work to be particularly groundbreaking. This book was so incredible. The character development and world building was far superior to her previous work. She always writes a great romance, but this story had something more. I was hooked from the very beginning and eagerly anticipate the sequel.
Who is your fictional crush from this year?
I’m going to go with Regulus from Prince of Shadow and Ash by Selina R. Gonzalez. There were quite a few remarkable males from my reads this year, but Regulus is still fresh in my mind from my recent read. He is a bit of a dark horse, but has such a great capacity for love. My heart bleeds for his tragic circumstances and I just want him to have a HEA.
Who is your new favorite character?
I’d have to say Alessandra from The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller. I love that she is unapologetically self serving in a world where women are expected only to marry and obey their husbands. She’s a killer and a schemer and it makes my Slytherin heart happy.
A book that made you happy?
I’m going to have to go with The Overdue Life of Amy Byler. There is something about Contemporary Chick Lit that just lightens my mood and this was the best one I’ve read so far this year. I hope to read far more in the genre during the remainder of the year, but I’ve just been so overwhelmed by Fantasy.
Your favorite book to movie/ tv show that you’ve seen so far?
Honestly, I had to pick P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han because it’s the only adaptation I’ve seen this year. I haven’t read the book so I can’t compare the accuracy of the story, but I found it enjoyable (if not quite as enjoyable as the first).
What is the most beautiful book that you have bought?
I decided to go with All The Stars and Teeth because it really is a stunning cover. I love the details and the color combination (both the OwlCrate and the original). Unfortunately, the book was good, but not great. I expected more from the hype surrounding it’s release.
What is your favorite post that you have written so far this year?
My blog only began this year, so I have very few posts to choose from. That being said, I did enjoy this one, so I guess that is my choice.
What are 6 books you want to read by the end of the year?

Thanks for reading along. How are you doing with your 2020 reading goals? Have you discovered any new favorites?