I am so excited to share my interview with author Kate Murdoch today. I had the pleasure of reading one of Kate’s novels, The Orange Grove, last month and I absolutely loved it. You can read my review here. Make sure you check out the links listed below the interview to purchase books or connect with Kate Murdoch via social media.

First, could you please introduce yourself to our readers? Let us know a little about you and your published work.
I’m a historical fiction author living in Melbourne, Australia. I’ve published two novels—Stone Circle, a historical fantasy novel set in Renaissance Italy, and The Orange Grove, about a group of mistresses living in an eighteenth-century French château. I’m a former visual artist and I’ve also published numerous short stories.
Who or what inspired you to begin writing fiction?
I’ve loved writing since childhood, but until 2010, painting was my chosen career and I exhibited for fourteen years. A dream about a vivid character prompted me to start a manuscript, and gradually I was swept up in both storytelling and the writing community. The transition caught me by surprise, I had never planned to make the switch, it was something that evolved. I’m so glad that it did, as being a writer is rewarding and satisfying.
How does your background in art influence your written work?
It makes me a visual writer—I want the reader to ‘see’ the scenes in a sensory way along with revealing emotions and larger themes. I do this through research into the different periods I write about. As a reader, I also like work that fully paints a world.
What was the inspiration behind Stone Circle? The Orange Grove?
The idea for Stone Circle came to me in another dream of an old man and two young boys on a calm stretch of water. I knew the old man was imparting wisdom and that it was long ago. Then it was a matter of pinpointing a time period for the story. I realised alchemy had been very prevalent in Renaissance Italy and decided to make it the subject the old man was teaching, and the focus of the story. The Orange Grove came about for a number of reasons. I’m a Francophile, speak French and have travelled there numerous times. I’m also fascinated with the history, especially the period of Louis XIV’s rule because it was so decadent, and there was a lot of unrest in society which led to the revolution. I wanted to explore how this inequity and battle for survival would impact on relationships.
What travel destination is top on your bucket list?
I’ve always wanted to visit Machu Picchu in Peru. To do the hike ideally, but by the time I get there with current restrictions, who knows, I might be quite a bit older and have to take the train! The way temples are dotted throughout the unique landscape is intriguing and beautiful.
With which part of the writing/publishing process do you struggle the most?
When I start a project and I don’t know the characters as well, everything takes a lot longer and I’m not as confident the story is heading in the right place. The characters guide me through the story once I’m familiar with them, but before I reach that point in the process, it feels really uncertain, stumbling and like I’m feeling around in the dark.
Do you have any tips for overcoming writer’s block?
A number of things help me—further research can lead me in new directions and provide fresh inspiration, reading good books helps me feel motivated to put down my own words, and taking a break to walk or meditate is also helpful. I also drink gallons of herbal tea and light scented candles.
Are there any specific books or authors that have inspired your own writing style?
I’ve tried to make my voice my own, but long-term influences are Kate Grenville for her superb word pictures and emotional nuance, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez for his lyricism and romance.
What advice can you offer for aspiring authors?
It’s a great idea to submit as many short stories as you can to build confidence and your platform. Then if the publishing deal takes a bit longer than expected, it’s less frustrating as you have other things on the go. I’d also recommend building a network of other like-minded writers, whether it’s just online or in a physical writers’ group. It’s important to build a regular writing practice and being connected to other writers keeps you accountable and productive.
Can we expect anything new from you in the near future?
Yes, I’ve finished two more manuscripts. The one closest to being agent ready is The Glasshouse, set in 1920 in Sicily about a girl orphaned by the 1908 Messina earthquake and adopted by a wealthy Palermo family. The Shifting Tide is a story spanning wartime Croatia, Germany and 1960’s Melbourne, about the bonds between three women tested by secrets buried within the fabric of their family.

Kate Murdoch exhibited widely as a painter both in Australia and internationally before turning her hand to writing.
Her short-form fiction has been published in various literary journals in Australia, UK, US and Canada.
Her debut novel, Stone Circle, a historical fantasy novel set in Renaissance Italy, was released by Fireship Press in December 2017. Stone Circle was a First in Category winner in the Chaucer Awards 2018 for pre-1750’s historical fiction.
Kate was awarded a KSP Fellowship at the KSP Writers’ Centre in 2019 to develop her third novel, The Glasshouse. Her novel, The Orange Grove, about the passions and intrigues of court mistresses in 18th century France, was published by Regal House Publishing in October 2019.
Thank you so much to Kate Murdoch for taking the time to answer these questions! If you’d like to purchase books or follow her on social media, check out the links below:
Website: https://katemurdochauthor.com/
Blog: https://kabiba.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katemurdochauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KateMurdoch3
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/katemurdoch73/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katemurdoch2/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/47583097-the-orange-grove
Purchase Links:
Regal House Publishing: https://regalhousepublishing.com/product/the-orange-grove/
Booktopia: https://www.booktopia.com.au/the-orange-grove-kate-murdoch/book/9781947548220.html
Angus & Robertson: http://bit.ly/2LmLy2U
Readings: https://www.readings.com.au/products/30372648/the-orange-grove
Boomerang Books: https://www.boomerangbooks.com.au/the-orange-grove/kate-murdoch/book_9781947548220.htm
QBD Books: https://bit.ly/32rQECk
Dymocks: https://www.dymocks.com.au/book/the-orange-grove-by-kate-murdoch-9781947548220
Fishpond: https://www.fishpond.com.au/Books/Orange-Grove-Kate-Murdoch/9781947548220
Amazon: mybook.to/TheOrangeGrove
Book Depository: https://www.bookdepository.com/Orange-Grove-Kate-Murdoch/9781947548220
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/nz/en/ebook/the-orange-grove-5
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-orange-grove-kate-murdoch/1132202645?ean=9781947548220
Waterstones: https://www.waterstones.com/book/the-orange-grove/kate-murdoch//9781947548220
Foyles: https://www.foyles.co.uk/witem/fiction-poetry/the-orange-grove,kate-murdoch-9781947548220
Blackwells: https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/The-Orange-Grove-by-Kate-Murdoch-author/9781947548220